Homage to Alexander Šostak

In the past years Computational Intelligence has become one of the main research topics at the Széchenyi István University. The first six Györ Symposia on Computational Intelligence were successfully organized from 2008 to 2014. The seventh Györ Symposium on Computational Intelligence was jointly held with the fourth International Workshop on Mathematics and Soft Computing and it was called the 7th European Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Mathematics (ESCIM 2015).

Today, we welcome you for the 16th European Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Mathematics in Coruña, Spain. The location has been changed but preserves the philosophy of the past Györ Symposia. That is, bringing together scientists and engineers working in the field of computational intelligence and connecting areas like smart offices.

This edition will also organize a workshop on the topic of the Network DIGital FORensics: evidence Analysis via intelligent Systems and Practices (DigForASP). Specific papers on the development and application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Automatic Reasoning (AR) tools to Digital Forensic will be presented. For more information about the Network, visit the webpage: digforasp.uca.es

Moreover, ESCIM will pay homage to Alexander Šostak, an excellent researcher, person and usual participant to the different editions of ESCIM. He also was the main local organizer of one of the most wonderful editions: ESCIM2018 (escim2018.uca.es). Our friend, our amigo, a toast to you with a glass of Riga Black Balsam, thank you for everything.

About Coruña

History of ESCIM

The European Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Mathematics (ESCIM) has been organized every year since 2015, aimed at bringing together scientists working on Computational Intelligence, mathematics and related areas.

You can see below the websites of the previous editions of ESCIM:

– Krakow, Poland, ESCIM2024

– Naples, Italy, ESCIM2022

– Budapest, Hungary, ESCIM2021

– Virtual Edition, ESCIM2020

-Toledo, Spain, ESCIM2019

– Riga, Latvia, ESCIM 2018

– Faro, Portugal, ESCIM 2017

– Sofia, Bulgaria, ESCIM 2016

– Cádiz, Spain, ESCIM 2015

More information is available in the official webpage of the conference: ESCIM